Acupuncture Treatments
Your acupuncture treatment will be a private experience customized to your individual needs. You will be in a treatment room like the photo above and will lay flat or inclined on a comfortable heated massage table with cozy blankets and a heat lamp. Once your treatment begins you will rest or even nap for approximately 30 minutes while the acupuncture takes effect.
Need a treatment sooner?
Do you need to get in for a treatment sooner than what is available online? Is your baby due soon or do you have a breech presentation? Back hurting, have a migraine or cramps? Often due to covid cancellations or winter weather there are last minute openings. You can call 651.769.5228 to get on our waitlist and as openings occur you will be contacted or follow us on instagram for last minute openings.
Do you need to get in for a treatment sooner than what is available online? Is your baby due soon or do you have a breech presentation? Back hurting, have a migraine or cramps? Often due to covid cancellations or winter weather there are last minute openings. You can call 651.769.5228 to get on our waitlist and as openings occur you will be contacted or follow us on instagram for last minute openings.
Professional Photo credit: Allie Parfenov