Acupuncture can treatThe ancient healing science of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) uses a variety of tools including
acupuncture and herbal medicine to treat a wide variety of symptoms and conditions. In ancient times patients paid their TCM practitioner only when they were healthy, as the medicine was used for preventative purposes, and stopped paying when they were ill. A medicine capable of preventing illness before it begins has the capacity to treat illness at its peak with effective tools. We specialize in treating women's health conditions, obstetric & postpartum care, and menopausal support.. We do see people in all stages of life. Whether it be teen years to childbearing years to menopause. All people are welcome.We are here for all patients: Black, White, First Nations, Latina, Asian, rich, poor, Christian, Muslim, and LGBTQ. We are truly an open door for anyone looking for gentle, genuine and affirming care. Acupuncture can be helpful at all stages and phases and one does not need to be ill to come in for care!